Thursday, May 9, 2013

Existential Rage, Part One

The phrase "existential rage" came into my mind this morning on the way to work - which might give the reader a clue as to what kind of mood I was in.  Naturally, I had to do a Google search, to see if the phrase was original.  Also naturally, it wasn't (damn!).  However, I saw a lot of references to Sartre, Paris cafes, beer-serving hangouts frequented by college students,, yet no definitions of the term - except on the blog, "Ask A Fat Guy."  The blogger, "Sean," made the excellent observation that the emotion of existential rage is always preceded by one's implied use of the "subjunctive" case - i.e., "should," "would," "could," "ought," "shouldn't," etc.  That was precisely MY thought - although MY mental examples didn't involve any scenarios which made me laugh out loud, like "Sean's."
So, here's my attempt to convey my sense of the term, existential rage:
The comparison of what is, to a given individual's categorical imperative(s) as to "what should/shouldn't be."  There must also be the perception of needless suffering.  The intensity of one's existential rage is positively correlated with the degree to which reality does not correspond with one's relevant categorical imperative(s).
More later.

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